
The cycle of life on the planet is sustained by pollination. Bees carry out the beautiful task of bringing a message of life to each flower, in order to generate the fruit that feed us. This is why we are spreading this message from the SUN: BEES ARE LIFE! Take care of them, protect them and follow their example: let's sing about life all over the world, without distinction between races or nations, let's pollinate all the hearts of the planet by giving them confidence, let's talk about the new conscience that is emerging and let’s thank the men and women who dedicate themselves to radiating the planet with intelligence and wisdom.

Entendiendo el proceso de la vida, encontramos que la misma en el planeta se sostiene por la polinización de las abejas, las cuales cumplen la hermosa tarea de llevar un mensaje de vida a cada flor, para generar el fruto que nos alimenta. 

Por eso gritamos este mensaje proveniente del SOL: ¡LAS ABEJAS SON LA VIDA! Cuídalas, protégelas y ven hagamos la misma labor de ellas, salgamos por todo el mundo a hablar de vida, sin distinción de razas, dejemos el regionalismo atrás, vayamos a polinizar todos los corazones del planeta llevándoles confianza, gritemos que un nuevo ser está naciendo, reconozcamos a esos hombres y mujeres que se dedican a irradiar el planeta de inteligencia y sabiduría.



She is the “soul” of the community, it could not exist without its queen.


The male bee’s sole purpose is to mate with the queen

Worker bee

They do all the work in the hive

To think that the universe comes from nothingness is to believe that we are the result of nothingness. But by observing the bees, by contemplating their grace and how they maintain the life of the whole planet while being so small, we can deduce that we come from the ALL, an ALL that is alive, omnipotent, disciplined, intelligent, wise, immeasurable, loving, orderly, reciprocal and balanced. It is not logical to think that out of nothing can emerge so much intelligence and the existence of bees reminds us of this.

It is our mission in the Monterrey Agro-Environmental Foundation to protect bees. We contribute to the education of the BEING, the MAN and the WOMAN, so that we all understand the essence of life, as well as the importance of this specie created by our UNIVERSAL MOTHER AND FATHER.

Protegerlas es nuestra bandera como Fundación Agroambiental Monterrey, pero primero se debe educar al SER , al HOMBRE, a la MUJER…para que se entienda la esencia de la vida y darle otra visión a esta importante especie creada por nuestra MADRE Y PADRE UNIVERSAL.

Together for the Planet
